If you've been keeping up with my shop for awhile you'll know that the previous name for my store was Bits Of Thread. I never really felt as though that name had a lot of meaning to me or was very significant so I decided to change it. The meaning behind the name of my store has to do with the significance of willow trees and wildflowers in the bible.
Willow trees: In the bible willow trees represent hope, celebration, and being rooted in God. After going through a hard season of life these things have taken over all of the bad that has happened, which I give all the praise and glory to God for. In Psalm 137:2 it says, "There on the willow trees, we hung up our harps." This was written from the perspective of the Jews who were being held captive and were remembering their homeland. In this verse willows represent loss and hope. I have been through a lot of loss in the past year but the hope that has come after is so much more abundant than the loss.
Wildflowers: I love wildflowers because they do not have to conform to any pattern or any specific design. There is no one to tend to them except for God. In the same way we are called to be unique. We are not made to fit in, or conform to the ways of the world but we are each made to be ourselves. I want my business to be an example of how to live uniquely. I want to show what true beauty is and not what the world believes beauty to be. Beauty is unique, it is real, and it is perfectly designed by God.
In 2019 I was spiritually encouraged by many people and most people got a picture of either a flower or a tree for me. I had one prophetic word that was spoken over me of a tree that was flexible and bendy. When I was doing research on willow trees I found that willow trees symbolize flexibility and adaptability because it bends to withstand strong winds and storms. When I read this I knew that I had to have the word willow in my store name because I instantly remembered the prophetic word spoken over me. When I got this prophetic word I did not understand it at all but I am gaining a deeper understanding as I look back through my life and see how God has helped me to bend instead of break.
I am so happy with the new name of my shop and I hope you guys like it too! I want it to be a reminder to myself and to you, of hope, and real, original beauty.
That is so sweet! I was wondering what my name meant :)
Absolutely love it and it’s meaning by its true Spiritually! 💯❤️❤️🙃🥰